
Creative writing

Data en docenten

Creative writing Amsterdam

Herfst 2024 - some places left
Docent: Mieke Eerkens and Jamal Mahjoub - each one group
Inschrijven voor 2 oktober

Acht woensdagavonden van 19:00 tot 22:00 uur:

9, 16 en 23 oktober
6, 13, 20 en 27 november,
4 december

Voorjaar 2025
Docent: binnenkort bekend
Inschrijven kan tot 13 maart

Acht maandagavonden van 19:00 tot 22:00 uur.

31 maart,
7 en 14 april,
12, 19 en 26 mei,
2 en 16 juni

In this basic review of literary techniques for prose writers of all levels, you will receive short prompt-based assignments that aim to challenge you and expand the perceived limits of your writing. Your preconceptions will be banished, creative bravery will be encouraged, and trust in the imagination will be reinspired. This course concentrates on specific craft issues each week, such as word choice, imagery, character development, point of view, beginnings and endings, style, and rhythm. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore and experiment with these elements in short writing assignments. As we discuss our work and reading material as a group, you’ll also learn critical reading skills and provide constructive feedback based on craft. The focus will be on your process rather than a polished end product. We will also talk about how to stimulate and manage your writing practice. The goal is to leave this course with several “seedlings” to continue growing at home.

This course is in English, and will be offered twice a year, in autumn and in spring.
You follow eight lessons of three hours each on one of our locations at the Herengracht in Amsterdam.
The group has place for ten participants. Costs: € 545.

Sign up for Creative writing (form in Dutch)

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